2 Days Workshop on Advanced Aluminium Alloys, 25-26 February 2025, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


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Since inception of ISAM in 1989, it has gained immense recognition among international and national scientific community. ISAM offers an international platform to dynamic scientists and engineers, to share knowledge and collaborate in multifaceted traits of advanced materials. Apropos of preceding symposia, it is yet again anticipated that the 18th ISAM-2023 shall be the focal point of a large number of foreign and local delegates active in the field of materials science and engineering.

Proceedings of ISAM-2023

Proceedings of ISAM-2023 will be published in Journals of (Solid State Phenomena, Material Science Forum, Key Engineering Materials, Nano Hybrid Composites, Defects & Diffusion Forum etc.) by Trans-Tech Publications, Switzerland, with Impact Factor 0.49 in 2022.

CPD points

Engineers who participate in this Symposium will earn 1.0 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Points.

Organized by

Pakistan Advanced Materials Forum, Islamabad, Pakistan


Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan


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Website Last Updated On: March 11, 2023

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